Monday, July 13, 2009

Dear Laura,

Dammit woman, no current contact info for you. Have called the one I have repeatedly to no avail. Your livejournal died. Have sent notice to whimseywoman(all I had that was current). Please do the calling. Number hasn't changed or I'm in the book.



Laura said...

Left you detailed voice mail message with phone numbers back at the end of September. ...waiting to hear from you...

Bonnie said...

Laura, glad we connected :-)

The Lingles' Lair said...

On gmail -
Same old cell number.
Currently, all three of us plus the cat are living with mom (trying to sell the townhouse). So mom's address and number - still the same silver spring info.

The Lingles' Lair said...

Hey woman -- Stan and I moved at the end of 2014 across the country to Washington. We recently bought a home, and are now in Port Orchard. Shelby passed in January 2015, and later that summer, Stan said we were ready for a new kitten. We adopted 2 sisters and they are the most lovely wonderful sweet things. I miss talking with you. I hope you and Bobby are well. Still at Still think of you often. Still wondering what's up. Are you still in Columbia?