Friday, September 26, 2008

What a Year.

One year ago today I had brain surgery.

I had to wait nine days to find out I had cancer. But I knew. The last year has been the roller coaster I was warned about. But really, it looked like this.

I didn't start at 100 percent. Walking with a brace and cane, loosing cognitive brain function and feeling like something was wrong didn't exactly feel like I was on top of my game. First there was a steroid "high". Then the steroids began to affect the muscles of my legs making walking very difficult. The sharp dips are the weeks after chemo once radiation was over when the fatigue was the worst. Those weeks I was guilty of missed and canceled appointments at times. I slept a lot. Everything hurt.

But look at the tail of that graph. I coasted a while then Up Up Up ! Slow and Steady wins the race. My physical therapist and I invent new ways to challenge my muscles. We look at practical needs like loading and unloading my scooter out of the car - what motions are needed for that? What muscles need to be stronger? How will my balance be affected? She's very inventive and lets me give a lot of input. And guess what? I'm up to 23 minutes on the treadmill. Now, do be aware that is under a controlled pace with no distractions. And that 23 minutes was my all time high (my times fluctuate a bit). Y'a know my heart is in better condition now than it ever was due to the workout three times a week plus home exercise most other days.

It's been a roller coaster. I've always loved roller coasters. I know it's a figure of speech, but I was mostly aware of what I was in for. I paid to get on. There have been some scary turns but I actually had fun without screaming at all. My legs are a little wobbly getting off this ride, but I didn't puke and maybe I'll get the tee shirt in the gift shop.


Remember all my references to The Wizard of Oz?

There's no place like Home.

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